Friday 12 March 2010


Captain Domestic Violence and Wonder Bitch strike again!

Okay, domestic violence is a bit of a strong term, but meh.

It's still violent.


Will it ever end?

I mean, I'm not the one under fire, admittedly, but would you want to live in a house where half the time someone is being threatened with beatings?
Only threatening, mind, so don't go worrying and phone the police and stuff.
Seriously, don't.
Or do, it would mix things up a little.
Yeah, I might get adopted by a rapist, who would take pictures of me when I sleep.
And then my porn star career would begin.
But I'd also be raped.
Yeah, don't.

I mean, fighting over the dinner table? Really?
That's pathetic.
I mean, I've been known to have a shout at people occasionally over stupid things, but this is ridiculous.
It's like they want to drive a wedge in the family.
Well, a bigger one.

Ooh, get this, two posts in one day.

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