Monday 21 June 2010


What? It's a stutter.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking, it's Friday's turn and it totally isn't Friday today. But hey, I liked today, it was nice.

First Lesson - Media
The day started joining the dudes and dudette in Biology for a quick chat, as we do, and it's always a great way to start Mondays. I also had a chat with Courtney before this time, and she's also a great person to talk to for a pick-me-up, and to be honest I do use her as my escape from the dickhead year eights on Wednesdays. Anyway, yeah.
Didn't do too much in Media to be perfectly honest with you, just did my work in Bottom Red so that I could meet up with the Krewe again at breakfast, which worked remarkably well.

Second Lesson - Teaching
Yeah, I know, it's usually structured study, but I decided to teach in this lesson because it seemed like the best thing to do now that I have no exams.
And it's brilliant, as always.
During this lesson though, I do take the annoying illiterate child out to read, and he's improving. This is good. I don't like him very much, but at least he's doing what he's supposed to do.
I did tire him out with the reading this time though; he made more frequent mistakes towards the end of the session, so this prompts for me to try and get him to do something more engaging than just reading, and I will.

Third Lesson - Physics
Okay, I know what you're thinking, I don't do Physics. This slot should be filled with French... but it isn't today. Yes, I got my own taste of the world of Physics experiments as they tried to build various longbows, trebuchets and other weird contraptions for experimenting with stuff. So what did Dukey do? He made a plank. A plank with a hole in it. And then failed to glue a nut to it. I helped. That's the extent of Dukey's DT ability.
Hehe, I also managed to comment on Leachy's longbow, and suggest improvements for it, at which point Mr Tiktin was prompted to say "Hold on, I hardly think you have the right to say that, you're not even supposed to be in here!" I chuckled.

Fourth Lesson - DT
Not a particularly interesting lesson, if I'm perfectly honest with you. It was the first thing I had been taught today, but you know... why would I bother telling you about it? Exactly.

Fifth Lesson - German
Ah yes, "a Jedi's weapon". I mean, German.
This was actually quite fun. I got to translate my story "A Knock on the Door" into German, because we were told to write something, and I had no idea what to write about, so I did that. Chibberd will love it. Do you not remember my awesome short story about a guy who's obsessed with his wife and then imagines her own death and then sees himself in the mirror and then kills himself, when it turned out that his wife was stuck on the motorway; her car in a state? Well you should, because it's awesome. Super awesome.

I ended the day spending a short amount of time with Lauren, at which point she argued that they weren't technically my kids. I was outraged, because they are my kids, and I raise them and teach them the everyday things that need to be known. Like what a continent is. Seriously, Emily doesn't know what a continent is, and didn't think China was in Asia. I was outraged. Jonny somehow managed to molest me at this point. First time he's done it in front of Emily. And she found it amusing.
But oh my god, I'm actually depressed now.
"If I don't want you to be a teacher, who will?" She said.
*Sad face*
She will be punished.
She needs me to help her.
Without me she's lost, like what I heard happened when I left to teach reading. Haha.
Watch your words, child.

So anyway, a pretty good day if I say so myself.
And I do say so.
If Friday is interesting, I'll do that, otherwise, just go ahead and wait until I decide to talk about something else.
Buhbye, m'lovelies

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