Sunday 24 October 2010


He stopped in the middle of the street and let his aching legs cool down. He could feel his pulse thumping away in his head, causing him to not realise just how close the shouting and the heavy, rapid footsteps were. His hands clasped his knees as he tried to regain his breath, and in the corner of his eye he spotted a bush that would be big enough for him. He composed himself, zipped up his camouflaged coat to cover his white under-shirt and crawled into the space. He knew that comfort was not an option here, and he hoped to god that his willingness to survive would keep him as still as possible. Now was the time for silence.

He didn't know why he had been chosen for the hunt, but then none of the 'volunteers' did. As far as they knew, they had just been randomly selected, kidnapped and now released for the hunters to find. That much he had surmised, what happened once he was found though? He had not seen the hunters before his 'release' so he didn't know what they were equipped with, whether they were armed with shotguns or baseball bats or just relied on communication and a tough spirit to find him. A loud crack in the still air and the sound of a flock of birds taking off gave him his answer though. Once they found him, they would kill him.

One man's fear was another man's sport.

What now? If they had dogs then he'd be found instantly, but he could not hear the sounds of barking, rapid panting or uncontrollable sniffing. Hopefully the hunters would remain fixated by the hordes who were trying to get as far away as possible from them, but alas, one gun shot after another, he knew that soon he'd be the only one left on the list.

A dozen feet suddenly stampeded past, he held his breath and stiffened up, trying not to move. He could hear them talking amongst themselves. He dared to open his eyes, now seeing that dozen feet lined up next to him. He could see the gun barrels rise from the ground and then he heard the resounding click of a bullet being fed into the chamber. He closed his eyes tight, and tried to ignore the burning in his lungs that told him that he needed to breathe. Once again his pulse started elevating, to the point where it was pounding in his ears, partially deafening him. The guns fired all at once and he finally let his breath out. He expected his death to have come, but it didn't. Instead the sound of large body falling to the ground entered through his ears. He relaxed, in fact he relaxed a little too much, letting one short laugh out. The following shouts made him realise that his position was no longer secure, and he would need to move. The following clicks told him that he only seconds to move, and he used them as wisely as he could. He rolled out of the bush and stumbled to his feet, crashing into the wall opposite. He recovered just in time to duck as the brick above him exploded and forced his legs to move as fast as they could as the air shattered around him as more bullets were fired.

And that story will never be concluded, nor started, but let's face it, that was amazing. Inspired by Friday night's manhunt. That was an amazing day though, wasn't it? Unfortunately it seems that I only took like one picture that day, but hey, there was more action than there was time for photos. I also went to DMU and Nottingham Trent yesterday, and they're both amazing. DMU has the exact course that I want to take but Nottingham has one of the nicest city centres I've ever seen, so it looks like I'm going to DMU. What? It's all about the course, and apparently the shopping is good there anyway, it just doesn't look as nice.

School tomorrow *sad face* and that means doing all my work now *super sad face*
See you all there.

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