Monday 25 October 2010

My Blog Is the Best Blog You'll Ever See

Okay, I'll admit it's not quite as good as Hyperbole and a Half, but with you (I think) 12 readers, of whom are the only people that I allow to read this blog, I have accumulated nearly 600 pageviews, 188 of those being in September. Yes, that's right, I found the stats page. If you haven't already worked it out, I'm absolutely thrilled with this number. The most popular blogs have like 11000 views or something along those lines, and when you compare the amount of people that they have compared to me, the people that read those blogs aren't dedicated in the slightest!

Okay, so let's divide 188 by 30... that's like a billion pageviews a day. Okay, my maths is a little out, but come on, that's a pretty big number. Oh, I just worked it out. That's half of the readers coming on every single day! That's not bad at all! I don't know what the other half are doing that could possibly be more entertaining than the Best Blog In The World 2012 (yes, I have a target). Although, in hindsight, they were probably masturbating.

In fact, 169 pageviews have come through this month, and when you think about how many posts I've done compared to September, well, those posts must have been pretty spectacular. Every post is pretty spectacular; I shouldn't kid myself like that.

All this attention is starting to get to my head. Maybe I should add advertisements to my blog, open it up for the whole world to see and then I start making money from writing about my exploits. Ooh.

But I don't know. I don't want those crummy people from crummy school to read my blog, that's why I made it private to start with. But now that I've started writing these short stories about owls and such, I think I can start something wonderful.

So, what about it? Should I reveal myself to the world, displaying all my glorious glory? Should I run the risk of also revealing myself to those judgemental cunts that stalk our school corridors like the she-banshees they are? Give me your opinions.


  1. You're so witty and funny, but could you still do that knowing that the subject could be reading it...sobbing?

    It's a dilemma. And I only have 360 pageviews. *Sob*

  2. No, you shouldn't. And exactly for the reasons Belle said above. You can't publicly say certain events, as people /can/ do two plus two. All right, I do miss reading certain people's blogs (*hint*), but some things are not for everyone to know.
