Wednesday 5 May 2010

366 Wednesday

The reason for the number will be explained later on.
In fact, I don't think much of an introduction is needed.
Just the fact that this Wednesday has been pretty damn good.

First Lesson - Free
This is what has been referred to as "Krewe time" in the past, and it still is. Completely.
But oh noes - as the internauts would say - we were kicked out of the Krewe spot, which is downstairs red. Apparently some people can't handle how radical and cool we are.
Rad man.
Cool dude.
Yeah, we rock.
Somebody's socks.

Tutor Time
A hearty congrats to Lamaal for passing her theory test, not long now until you can drive me everywhere.
Or not long until she sticks my head in a steering wheel and forces me to learn how to drive.
She's really been pressing me about that.
Although I did find out today that I can take my theory test now, without any driving experience, which is definitely something I'll look into doing.
But yeah, that's what we chatted about.

Second Lesson - German
Our last lesson with Chibberd for the term saw us reading, translating, answering a few questions, and talking a fair bit. We do chat a lot in her lessons, but it's all in good fun, I'm sure Johalaha's booming laugh didn't annoy anyone too much. His laugh is boomy, and therefore Johalaha is a god, and you must bow down and worship him as such.

Third Lesson - French
I wouldn't say there's much to talk about, since I sat alone this lesson, but I did enjoy lunch with part of the Krewe. My life is a bit central round the Krewe isn't it? But hey ho, I love those guys and gals. Without them, I'd be a bit stuck.

Fourth Lesson - Invigilating
Yeah, you read it correctly. I invigilated an exam. I had a word with Nigey B and it was decided that he'd do some marking while I invigilate, since I had nothing better to do. And I've got to say, it was a helluva lot of fun. You wouldn't believe it would you? But I'm telling you now, invigilators have got it so easy. You'd think boredom would strike within five minutes, but it really doesn't. Before the test began, I and the teachers had a gathering, at which point they told me what they all do during exams. One favourite is to count the number of steps you take to get from one end of the row to the other, and I managed to get it down to 24 steps without looking too ridiculous. Other games include menacingly walking down the aisles, making sure your heel makes a loud impact on the floor, and then suddenly stop next to a student, who suddenly shits themselves. A quite memorable game is for one teacher to give an attribute, say who will become a millionaire, or abuse substances, and then stand next to the student who you think it will be. So if you're being stood next to in an exam, you know why.
Anyway, another game I played was laps, in true Brooke Weston fashion. For my second lap, I decided to count how many steps it would take to go up and down every aisle, which is 366, hence the title at the top.
It wasn't long before my kids started to notice that I was purposefully annoying them with the clicking of my heels, but could they do anything? Yes, actually, at the end of the exam my second biggest fan and two other kids decided to annoy me, but with my infinite power I stood between them menacingly.
I love my power.
It feels good.
It feels right.
So yeah, these are the things you need to watch for in exams.
I guarantee at least 2 of those games will happen.

Fifth Lesson - My Kids
So after the exam I trotted back to my year sevens, who were already hard at work building a series of ramps and bridges to get a tennis ball from one side of the room to the other.
The catch was that only newspaper and tape could be used, and naturally they all failed.
"Would you like some epic with that fail?" Lujamc would say.

So yeah, that was my Wonderful Wednesday.
Huh, why didn't I call the post Wonderful Wednesday?
Meh, 366 was to the point, and relevant to the post.
Until next time, you crazy kids!


  1. I KNEW they were up to something. Sneaky invigilators.

  2. Now we need to have a comeback for Peter- I mean the invigilators! Goddamn BP, won't let me strike!
