Thursday 13 May 2010

Great Yarmouth

My God I've had an epic posting night.
And this is the rounding off.
The telling of the great tale of Great Yarmouth.

Yes, I, Johalaha the Jew God and ... Josh went to Great Yarmouth for the last couple of days.
We arrived at our caravan to find ourself miles from the beach, and learned we had to get the bus into town unless we fancied finding our way there on foot, which I've recently worked out could've taken up to an hour. No thank you.
After that we had a huge ass beans on toast with hot dogs dinner before Josh's Dad carted off back home.
We then fired up my laptop so Joe could talk to Pedadu and Bejocr, and I and Josh Xboxed it up. What can I say? We had time to kill.
After we threw down the controllers, we all sat round and talked to Bejocr into the night, which was definitely a good way to finish the first day.

The second day we woke up and Josh happily cooked us some egg and bacon, which was loovely. Yeah, I did put two o's in lovely. Want a fight about it?
We then carted off to Great Yarmouth and spend the day there, which was fantastic.
Got myself a new shirt too.

Third day consisted of the other two wanting to go swimming, and if going to Italy for my year 10 residential told me anything, it's that swimming is now not the best idea for me anymore.
I was never particularly strong at it anyway.
So yeah, I stayed in and caught up on my lost TV shows while they apparently tested the laws of physics.
And then we came home, which was amusing, seeing as the Jew God's Dad got lost a little bit.

Sorry, I've suddenly combined Johalaha's godly name, and the fact that he's a jew into one new name. The Jew God.
I think it's good.

Anyway, yes, fantastic time.
Thank you to Josh for taking us there.

Buhbye now.

1 comment:

  1. I got distracted reading your blogs and didn't notice my toast had poped up!
    I hug for your travis blogs just know we are always there if you feel like that again :) x
