Monday 24 May 2010

Examen de Français

Did not know that exam in French is examen.
Sounds too German for my ears.

Anyway, yes, the fail arrived this morning in the form of a bookletted version of inked paper, and that ink spelled out words. French words. Some English ones too.

Anyway, I first looked at the topics for the essay and my heart sank. No happy as a hippo on a giraffe's back this time. (and yes, I do know that the metaphor was different last time.)
Instead I had to stick it with a smoking related topic, of which there was only 1 question in the speaking booklet about, and that was my first paragraph. After that, merde poured out. All over the place. It was not a pretty sight.

Anyway, back in chronological order.
I decided to pick the question later and get on with the listening, which went horribly well. It could spoil my chances of dropping French next year.
I mean, what if I've accidentally done better than German? That would be disastrous.
Anyway, as I was saying, there was only one question there where I thought "whatchyoo talkin' about Michel?" Funnily enough, Michel was a name that somehow didn't appear in this test, despite its usage in every other single bit of French I've ever read ever.

And onto the reading, this went surprisingly well as well.
Well, I say well, but well that could be well different.
Well I must say, there must have been well a few questions that I could have quite well have gotten well wrong, and I'm well thinking of a couple right well now well well well.

Not sure why I used well so many times in that last paragraph.
But yeah, the writing task.
I have already briefly covered this.
But let me carry on.
I got round to it again, knowing full well that it would be more shit than a dung beetle in a zoo.
Actually, that beetle would have a whale of a time, rolling about, smelling, making a fortress.
But let's face it, as wonderful a miracle it is to see something making a home out of something we so commonly refer to as "waste", it's still shit, and we hate it.
What was my point again?
Oh forget it.
Let's move on.


Oh wait, I was meant to talk about how I wrote one sentence on one topic, then thought "There's no way I'm going to be able to create 200 words on this," and then changed my mind and went for the smoking question.
Yeah, that didn't go so well either.
And here was me thinking that I'd get publicity.
What a tit I was.
Oh well, French is done with now.
Hopefully I can drop it, as much as I want to do it, but incidentally suddenly realise that French people are all cocks, and there's no way I'd be able to learn anything from them.
It's not a racist comment, it's the truth.
Mrs Huchet told me this.
She was a legend.
She'd be able to get me through this.
But alas, the teaching from the current French department is worse than a hippo with dyslexia.

Come on, you love my metaphors, admit it.

Anyway, that's 2 down, 2 to go.
Next is on Friday, and then a week's rest before the final in week 3.
Then I'm free!
Free as in from exams. After that, coursework will hopefully begin again.
I love coursework.
Especially in media.
I hated the moment when I had to put the final touches to my media portfolio, it was like saying goodbye to an old friend for the last time.
It's also good to have the sense of "I'm doing coursework which means I won't have an exam for a while", which is a good feeling indeed.

Anyway, yes, that's me done.
I could talk about the rest of the day, since it's due.
Yeah, let's do that while I'm here.

Tutor Time
I'm starting here because the only bit of lesson two I had was about 10 minutes before the end after I had gotten a drink and stuff.
Anyway, yes, the usual started once again, the chat to Lamaal, in which she seemed quite hyper in fact, and very confident about her maths exam.
Not entirely sure I've ever seen this happen before, I mean maths and excitement don't really go hand in hand, but hey, if that floats her boat, I'm not going to judge.
You weirdo.

Third Lesson - French
I was dreading this moment.
French exam and then French lesson?
I did not want to do this.
Although all we did was watch a film.
Which is of course a thank god moment.

Fourth Lesson - DT
With the exam on Friday, Mrs Quinreynolds decided to let us do our own revision, after a failed attempt at playing a revision game with us.
Basically a person sits with their back to the board, and the rest of us describe the process or material that appeared on said board without mentioning the word.
Well, this only worked for about 2 of the things that appeared, because the rest of them, for example, piercing and blanking, we used our own interpretations of the words, instead of the actual process.

Fifth Lesson - German
I was extremely hungry.
I would talk about what happened, but you know the drill.
Monday German means doing no work.
Despite Herr Nicholls coming in and telling us that it would be extremely important for us to do work.
Oh well, the task set can be done as homework, so I'll do it ten minutes before Wednesday's lesson.
I then joined Lamaal for our walk out, at which point she had seemed to calm down.

So yeah, first day back.
And that's how it went.
Not too bad.
I'll report back on Friday, maybe before if something iconic happens.
Who knows?
Ooh, I might post on Wednesday for my awesome start to an awesome term for the year 8s.
I'll explain later.

Buhbye xx

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