Friday 26 November 2010

Stupendous Friday

EDIT: I'd like to make it abundantly clear that this is my official 111th post! That's three ones next to each other. 111 is a pretty cool number by any means. Anyway, I believe I need to do this: *Party pop*

Dukey's adjectives are getting better.

For the record, I'd like to note that I currently feel like Action Man. That's not as cool as it sounds. I literally can't straighten my arms out because of all the pain their in, and pretty much any other elbow movement makes me wince. Action Man cannot straighten his arms out, and that's why I feel like him.

First Lesson - Kind of Media
I was with Luke at the start of the day, and to cut a story to its minimum, I essentially said to him, "Don't worry, I've done all my work now. I just have to walk in, say hi and walk out again." That's pretty much how it went. Although, I did decide to be a little bit nice.

Ms M: Good morning, Peter.
Me: Gooood morning. What exactly do you want me to do this lesson?
Ms M: Uhh...
Me: Miss T has told me to research black comedy.
Ms M: Ah well, top blue is booked ... if you ... want to work there.
Me: Okay. I'll see you later, Miss.

I had no intention of going to top blue to do any kind of work, so I got my book and joined the rest of the guys in the Library to do some reading and some chatting. Thumbs to the up.

Tutor Time
Worth mentioning because I've so far realised that I haven't talked about my Uni offers. I've had 3 so far, and they're all pretty fair. 300 points (BBB, or ABC etc) plus an Extended Project for Birmingham City, 280 points but 120 (equivalent to an A) of those have to be in Media for Teesside University, and finally Nottingham Trent gave me a offer of 280 points, but 200 (two Bs, or an A and C etc) have to be in two subjects. These are pretty good offers, and Lauren seemed to agree as we had a nice chat about it. See? I stayed relevant to the heading.

Second Lesson - Deutsch
Another round of Zeitgeist was upon us, and in his usual fashion Herr Nicholls picked on a starter person to answer questions, and then they would get to pick someone to answer the next question and so forth. What was particularly funny was that after a few rounds around the classroom, people picked up the habit of simply asking Paul to answer the next question, and this continued until Paul and Maraid (check spelling) were having an all out back-and-forth until the vicious cycle was broken by Herr Nicholls... and then he picked on Paul again. The person who said that learning a language isn't fun clearly hasn't met our German group.

Third Lesson - Structured Study
I think I had the intention of doing work this lesson, but then I failed and wrote some Zero-G. I really feel the need to get the writing of it done as soon as possible so we can get the voices recorded and eventually the filming.

The Rest of Friday
I could've put fourth and fifth separately, but they kind of merged into one. I believe I was lapping with Joshua of the House of Hilton before we found Joe and Becca, and then he fucked off to do some sort of work. Probably Chemistry. So, I was left with two of the best people on the planet. That's not really a bad deal, is it? In fact, all of the Krewe are just the best people on the planet. Well, I wouldn't quite say that Hoier is one of the best people on the planet, but I digress. The rest of the day was just generally fun. I got a fair amount of reading done, the other two got a fair amount of Bio work done. Joe threw bits of rubber at me; I was not impressed. Jed joined and got in Mr Knight's way. Edwards joined and had a staring contest with Jed. Jed remained undefeated. We then relocated to better seating. I tried to fix my arms by stretching them, and then Joe decided to help and almost snapped my tendons; Becca was concerned. Joe threw bits of rubber at me; I was not impressed. Alex Leach joined and threw bits of rubber at me; I was not impressed. We sat and chatted for the rest of the day. I got on the bus. The year whatevers that invade my personal 8 official (with actual room for 12) seats that I use to chat to Jonny and rent to the lower years had a Blackjack game and I was uninterested. I got off the bus and Courtney saved my life by warning me not to walk into the road and I was grateful. We then talked for the rest of the walk about the subjects that she might take in year 10. She has no clue. I advised her to take a wide variety of subjects, because that's what I did and look how I turned out. She then said "Oh, well I'd better not do that then" and I was all like "Oh you!" and said goodbye and she went home.

Today was a nice day. It was a little chilly, but it was a nice day.
Keep reading, readers.

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