Tuesday 30 November 2010

I Love You, November

As you can quite plainly see from the posts to the right of this one, November was a fricking awesome month. Over the course of the last month I have realised my potential for blogging, and as such I am now the best blogger on the face of the planet.

Let's take a look at some personal bests smashed in November, just to clarify how awesome it's been.

Post Count
Previous Best: February (14)
New Best: November (16)

Previous Best: United Kingdom for all views.
New Best: United Kingdom, United States of America, Russia, France, China and Israel. I'm super multi-cultural now. I could take over the world with these countries.

Page Views
Previous Best: October (218) - Not sure why that is, October was dire.
New Best: November (219 +) - naturally that could change over the next couple of hours.

November was all about beating myself, and not in like the "Oh life's a bit shit" kind of way, but the "Yes! I just beat my personal best" kind of self-harming.

Yes, November saw the mass introduction of the most awesome short MS Paint comics known to man-kind. Okay, they're not good, they're rarely funny and they're actually mostly pictures from Facebook. However, at the end of October I discovered that I actually could put pictures in my blog, and now I've gone a little bit mental with some of the images. I particularly enjoy the guy being royally fucked by bats while a badger snarls at him. That was a little bit hilarious.

I have to be honest with you, over the last month I think I've seen a huge-ass boost in my esteem and self-confidence. I now actually believe in myself, and I have this whole image in my head of how I'll become a big Hollywood director. I won't actually become a Hollywood director, because that would cause me to become a little bit famous, and I don't want that. But seriously, lately I've just noticed how awesome I am now. Pretty much everyone on the face of the planet now looks at me and thinks, "What a nice guy," as opposed to, "Who? Oh yeah, don't like him very much." I've just become more well-rounded as a person, and I've come to realise just how hilarious I actually am. I'm pretty damn hilarious. I'm also highly attractive. Form a queue and snatch me up while you can.

What I have realised about myself is that literally nothing has changed at all, yet I'm still super happy. Why? Well, I now accept that things are just fine. I accept that despite the fact that I'm perpetually lonely in my home, I do have a whole host of the best people on the planet who will always love me and look out for me, and why should I complain about anything when this is a fact? And if I'm truly honest with myself, if I just expanded my boundaries a bit, and let a few more people into my life, then I'd have more friends than the Dali Llama (spell check). I'm not bigging myself up here, I just think that you people as a species genuinely like me now that I'm a super happy fun guy. Recently I've found myself turning people down as opposed to the other way round. That is a good thing. Okay, it means that I'm not fully ready to let the masses bow down at my feet yet and pray for forgiveness, but it does mean that I'm not a loser. Losers are losers.

So, this is what November has done to me. Pretty cool, huh? I'm sure I was supposed to say something else, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was. I've actually been writing this post all night on and off, so forgive me for I have sinned.

It only remains to say thank you, people of the world, for accepting me as the hilariously awesome person that I am and one day I will endeavour to save you all from the apocalypse.

Thank you.