Wednesday 7 July 2010

Aha, Fuck You

Yeah, I did that formal lesson today, and it went quite well.
So fuck you, kids who didn't want me to do it.
Of the evil kind.
*Sticks fingers up in the air*

Yes, I and the Duke told them all about the world, and its great countries, and their great wonders and histories.
Most of them were pretty interested, despite their previous comments of "Oh don't do it", "It'll be more shit than a hippo with a personality disorder"
Okay, you're right, twelve year olds don't have the capability to make such awesome metaphors, so yes, I did make that last one up.
Also they don't swear.
Also I swore at the end as the laptop wouldn't let me remove the pen-drive, and apparently they all heard me. Guess what ensued? Yeah, you guessed it.
"Oh my god, Peter swore"
I said fudge, they just heard it wrong.
Okay, I lied. Again.

As for the rest of the day, we filmed an awesome video for RichChief Live, our new online series filmed in Live Action.
It involved talking about how Twilight is an abomination, and we include many of the running themes in Twilight, such as necrophilia and bestiality.
We invented a new team to sort the argument out.
Team Roadkill.
What an awesome idea?
See your vampire mates with your werewolf, and you get a dead dog.
Ooh, perhaps that's what Twilight: Eclipse is all about.
Mary-Sue runs over a dog and decides to get with that instead.
Ooh, controversy.

Teaching was fun with the year eights, especially when Luke joined to help me shout at the ones who were messing around on the computers.
Bloody good thing he was there though, apparently a fight broke out while I was in one of the other rooms, and he sorted them out good and proper.
Way to go, Luke.
The Snakes Alive project is still going strong though, and one of the snakes is huge.
Anyway, enough about my penis, back to Snakes Alive.
See what I did there?
Bow chika bow wow.
Okay, I'm sorry.
But that was funny though.
Right, yes, the project is going brilliantly, and they're still hard at work and hardly working, and it's great.
The year sevens were a little less fun, especially towards the end of the lesson.
I had to control my temper, which shouldn't be an issue now.
They just need to be reminded that my word is law, and if a shout is necessary to convey that rule, then so be it. I will shout.

What's new in the world of me then?
Not much, to be quite honest.
I'm not super happy, but I'm also not down.
I've put on a bit of weight, proven by the button in my trousers that is no longer there.
It was quite funny actually, I put them on, did them up and then *ping!* the button flies into the mirror, bounces off and hits me in the face.
Comedy or what?
Should've been there, man, you should've been there.
Josh asked me the other day who I was into these days, and I answered that I don't do that anymore, because of the fact that I realised that the only person you can ever truly like, want, love, whatever, is the person hanging on your right arm, but I don't know.
I mean, obviously I have desires, otherwise I'll never get anywhere, or perhaps I'm over-analysing this, and I should just say "fuck it" and get on with my life.
But I don't know.
My dreams haven't told me anything lately, aside from the fact that I like teaching.
I know, I had a dream about teaching my year eights, which is weird.
I only bring this up because of my fear that I might be becoming attached, and it was only detaching before that led to the eventual new me, once everything had calmed down.
I don't know.
Also, I'm not going to be less cryptic than that.


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