Monday 26 July 2010

The Curse of the Dormant Mind

I've put off posting this until now, but hey, I haven't got anything else to talk about today, so I thought I'd give it a go.
Alas, faithful readers, this isn't the usual bout of comical comedy and witty wit that you've come oh-so used to over this year, but I feel like this needs to be gotten off my chest, just so there's a little understanding.

I draw your attention to an example, to help explain what I'm about to talk about.
It was a Friday night, more specifically it was known as "Freedom Friday" and there is a "My Day" blog detailing that specific day. It was a hell of a lot of fun. But of course, it was an all-nighter, and we've all lost our ability to stay up all freaking night, so at around 2 people started to nod off.

>>Open Terrible Thoughts file 01<<
Most nights I am kept awake by thoughts. These thoughts are terrible thoughts, and before I became the super happy, can-do person I am today, these thoughts used to plague my day, so now they keep me up at night instead, just so God can keep his balance. I won't detail exactly what these thoughts are, because that would be a waste of time, and you should all know exactly what these thoughts are anyway, since I used to complain about them a lot. Unless of course you're new, or don't know me brilliantly, in which case just go ahead and ask someone like Becca or Lauren, because they'll tell you in great detail probably.
>>/Close Terrible Thoughts file 01<<

So yeah, going back to the example, because I find it difficult to get comfortable outside a bed, this impedes my progression into sleep and the thoughts magnify because I have more time in which to think. This happens pretty much on every all-nighter I go on. A few of you might have noticed me sitting up for long periods of time, or going out of the room for long periods of time, if you weren't asleep.

Let's just all be thankful that these days, these thoughts make me cry instead of punch shit up.
Punching shit up was only going to land me in a heap of trouble.

Anyway, that was depressing, god, better lighten the mood.
How many hippos does it take to change a light bulb?
Well, the more hippos you put in the room, the less likely you are to get the light bulb changed, because hippos don't have opposable thumbs, and would fill up most of the room anyway.
Oh, sorry, were you under the impression that was some kind of a joke?
Again, very sorry.
On the plus side, tomorrow is shaping to be not-a-bad day, so that'll bring the jokes right back into the blog.
I may sound a little cocky with the jokes thing, but did you read my nutshell joke? That was hilarious!
I'm going to pull a few more of those out pretty soon.

Anyway, thank you once again for wanting to know a little bit more about the inner workings of my mind.
Yeah, I know you didn't ask.
No, I don't think this was a total waste of time.
Oh yeah, that's right, walk away.
Oh now you're coming back for some more, eh?
Okay, I'll admit, that hurt.
No, seriously, stop now.
I mean it, I'll call the police.
Okay, fine! I won't call the police.
Okay, I'm going!

Night, y'all

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