Thursday 15 July 2010

Only One Day Left Thursday

Yes, that's right! Woo! And then I'm off to Berlin for the week. Woo!

First Lesson - DT
I managed to go the entire lesson, somehow, without making a single change to my work. I found this out when I closed it, since it didn't ask me to save it. But this time, RichChief or Media weren't the distractions, it was Mrs Quinreynolds. She got in an epic conversation with Josh, and it was so interesting I decided to listen in. I've also figured out that I've got the whole holiday to do this minute amount of work. That's pretty damn awesome, if I say so myself.

Second Lesson - Free
The long and short of it is that Becca ended up reading us some hilarious things from her new book about guys. It's brilliant; I'll have to read it after her. That is as soon as I've finished my two books.

Third Lesson - Free
Super Monkey!!!! Yeah, Josh Quach played Monkey Tower Defence, and at first I was like "is this going to get interesting?" but ten minutes later it did get interesting. Somehow. Basically, he got a thing called Super Monkey, which fires laser beams at the balloons. It looked super cool. We also coined the phrase "Kevin moment", the male version of "Aimee/blonde moment" in homage to Zero-G. I also got to show off my awesome comic about Pokémon in Halo this lesson. It's a damn awesome comic.

Fourth Lesson - Media
The rounding off of the planning and research is almost finished, with only a few minor details to make. I can't for the life of me think what those things are, oh wait, just the flat plans for all the website pages. Aw, that sucks. I want to make the website and the posters, but I suppose I should wait until the appropriate time, or I'll be left with nothing to do in DT. Hah, see what I did there?

Fifth Lesson - Snakes Alive
Mr Nicholls allowed me to go and have my final send-off for the year eights and their epic project. He said something about something new and interesting happening in the lesson, but unfortunately the presentations lasted all lesson, so I didn't have a chance to see it. I'll catch up with that later.
Anyway, yes, the final final lesson I have with the year eights. It's quite a sombre moment... oh wait, they don't become year nines until September. That gives me a whole two extra lessons with them. Woo!
Okay, I am actually feeling pretty gutted right now. The official run is over now. I might not actually have the chance to teach them again. My god, that'd be horrible. I do really hope I can teach them next year. They've brought so much joy to the last year. Mixed things up a little. Instead of being in the seat, I was the one in front of the class, addressing them as a group, and as individuals. Telling them what to do, having that sort of power. It's awesome. I remember telling Courtney this after she had told me that she wouldn't like to do it. Set her straight. I was actually described, by her, as the Robin to her Batman, which I wasn't having at all. If I'm not Batman, I'm Alfred. Alfred is cool. And British. In fact, that makes sense. Alfred is the mentor. I'm the mentor. Although none of them are Batman. That's a line she crossed there.
Anyway, the winning group hasn't been revealed yet, but I pretty much know which group has won. It was fairly obvious.
Firstly they presented their snakes with some sort of PowerPoint presentation, and those PowerPoint presentations were rubbish. However, they also made websites which weren't half bad. Not half good either, mind. Hey, I'm just being critical. Their fault for putting all the idiots who do nothing at the computers for several weeks. Then they put their snakes in DT for all to see, perhaps you'll catch a glimpse of them yourselves, and one of them fell apart XD. I've got some images from the event too, which I'll put up on Facebook probably.

Anyway, what an amazing day today was.
I haven't really got any other comments to make on the matters.
So I'll just sign off here.

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