Monday 5 July 2010

Liberal Monday

Yeah, I know, it was the 4th of July yesterday, but I needed a name for the post, and thus I got one.
Also we don't celebrate the 4th of July, but hey to the ho.

First Lesson - Media
Ah, what fun Media is now. Coursework. Lots and lots of coursework. And it's dead fun. Like seriously dead fun.
Some people hate coursework, but this coursework is fantastic, because I get to be as creative as I want to be, but within boundaries, which of course is the challenge.

Second Lesson - Teaching
Yes, I'm still keeping that up.
Monday morning is definitely not the best time to teach 12 year olds, but heck I can't get enough of it. Well, maybe on Mondays.
But nah, it's cool, I get a kick out of it.
Don't have any work to do now anyway, so it's only Duke and Luke I'm missing out on.
Sorry, guys.

Third Lesson - Physics
You know, you're right, it does seem like I'm doing a lot more Physics than French these days.
Well that's because Physics is a hell of a lot more interesting than French right now.
Like super more interesting.
I really can't be bothered with those toads anymore, nor the class it looks like I would be with if I did carry on, which I might but probably won't.
I don't know.
Anyway, yeah, Physics was quite fun, got to help people with their various experiments.

Fourth Lesson - DT
What did I do in DT? Oh yeah, procrastinate.
I know, I know, I have coursework to do, but Mrs Quinreynolds has given us a loose deadline of the end of term, which is miles away.
Just FYI, I'm building a chair for the glasses-choosey, head measuring section where the chairs are indeed perfectly comfortable, but not at all representative of the Specsavers modern design movement.
Plush chairs are so 1999.

Fifth Lesson - Deutsch
We did work in German.
I know, funny that.
Wasn't difficult work though, and it wasn't the most exciting lesson of all time.
In fact, I don't recall much from that lesson at all.

The day ended with me on my lonesome at the back of the bus, and I was like "Yes! Just me. No molesting, no kids, no singing, aaaaahhhhhhhh"
Then Romeo and Emily sat at the back.
Guess what the relaxed atmosphere turned into?
Well, my only participation in the following events was to get some Monster Munch, which you must understand.
Anyway, yeah, lots of screaming from the little girl, lots of shouting from the black guy.
All because of Monster Munch.
I like Monster Munch.

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