Saturday 1 January 2011

Super Christmas Adventure Episode VI - Return of the Flashing Lights, Loud Noises and Booze

I first have to congratulate Sophia for giving me that awesome blog title.

Oh wait, I forgot something.

Happy New Year!

Damn that's an awesome Paint job. Hah, Paint job.

Anyway, just to introduce this whole thing, the celebrations were done at Joe's house with a host of guests including: Joe, Josh Hilton, Laura (Josh's girlfriend), Sophia, Hoier, Becca, Aimee, Evil Tyrant Lord Dukeystein, Thomas Leach and me. That was for reference in case I can't be bothered to call them by their proper name or whatever. In fact, it was mainly so that I can call Josh Josh instead of Hilton. It's just necessary, a'right?

Anyway, Dukey decided at like 3 that he wanted to come to Kettering because he was bored, so at 4 I invited him in because I wasn't ready yet to go out. I let him play Plants vs Zombies on my new awesome laptop while I got changed, and then we walked the dog because he was begging for it (the dog was begging, meaning). Oh yeah, Dukey completely dislikes dogs. Like he has an actual hatred of them. But once again, Walter proved that he is the bee's knees when it comes to pets, because Dukey loved him.

Anyway, while walking the dog, Joe told us that we could come over at any time, which is cool. We surprised him with the dog, who wandered into his house and had a sniff. Becca heard that Walter was in and rushed down the stairs half ready to come and cuddle him and asked if they could keep him. Unfortunately I had to take Walter home, but then went back to Joe's because I could no longer stand my house.

So yeah, I settled down and told Aimee that I couldn't be bothered to pick her up because I was far too comfortable in Joe's couch with a Becca next to me. For the next hour or so, we watched the new Big Bang Theory and some Russell Howard's Good News, both of which are hilarious.

Anyway, the rest of the posse soon arrived and the party got going. The first memory that comes to mind was Josh trying to show us his lock-picking tricks. He didn't do very well. Next on the list is the first round of shots, supported by photographic evidence on Facebook. First funny moment was when Josh put shot glasses in the frames of a pair of 3D glasses and did Josh stuff, which was all very amusing.

Josh stuff. 

Okay, I'm trying to remember the events of the party in a time-lined fashion by using the pictures from my camera, but that's not working very well. I spent a good portion of this part of the evening with Josh and Laura, and the next memorable moment came when Josh showed me the simplest card trick in the world. The first time it was pointless because he didn't pick my card, but then he picked the same card from the top of the deck every single time, and this baffled my tipsy mind.

A lot of pictures of people looking stupid later and a second round of shots happened. Oh, and for good measure, here's a picture of people looking stupid and a picture of the second round of shots.


Me first!

I've just been informed by Sophia not to forget the Hat names. At some point during the night, and I have no idea when this happened, but hats were found and pretty soon everyone was given their own Hat name. Hat names are very simple, and comprise entirely of just sticking a H at the start of your name. For example, we had Hophia, Hom, Hhomas, Hosh etc. You get the idea. This was apparently hilarious, but I remember not fully understanding why this was happening at the time, but I went ahead and rolled with it. In fact, you can see Hukey sporting his very own hat in that picture up there.

Then this happened:

Pretty colours.

Yes, the lights were turned off, the strobe was turned on, the music was pumped up to the jam and glow sticks were waved. I first tried to use my firework setting to get these pictures, but I soon discovered a setting called High Sensitivity, which then created that up there. The picture quality isn't the best, but you have to remember that A: higher sensitivity means that it captures more movement, and B: the only light was the strobe.

So yeah, midnight was soon upon us and this of course meant more alcohol and lots of noise. As is the tradition, we stuck on the countdown on the BBC so that we could synch up with the rest of the country. The following scenes can be seen (eventually) on a hastily-taken video that probably hasn't worked very well. I just watched it in fact and I rarely saw any faces. It stayed at pretty much boob-level so it won't be that great to watch. I apologise in advance for this. Anyway, after the countdown there were hugs and kisses all round, along with a lot of people not liking the taste of champagne.

Anyway, after that the party wound down a bit. Kind of. Almost. Not for a little while. I wound down a bit after that. Becca apparently caught me being miserable and tried to find out what was wrong with me. I explained how I just don't like New Year's that much because nothing changes, but things are supposed to if you catch my drift. It made more sense when I was explaining to her. Anyway, I remember saying "I really like you" because she made me feel good about myself, but I can't remember why. Reminder would be good :)

Now after that the party started to wind down over a period of about three hours before I decided to go to bed with the others that were tired. I topped and tailed with Becca while Hoier, Sophia and Dukey slept on the air bed. Over the next few hours I slipped in and out of consciousness. For example, I woke up when Becca started feeling up my feet, but then she put the duvet over them so that was fine. In fact, that happened several times. The other time I woke up was when Becca tossed over and I realised that if I bent my knees for comfort, they'd go right into Becca's ass. I tried to find a comfortable position, but eventually I gave up and let my sleeping mind decide what to do with my knees. They went into Becca's ass. I say ass, but it could have easily been a thigh or her back. So yeah, those were the night time highlights.

The next morning was a pretty standard Joe's house morning. People left one by one, and all the while Joe-Mum-Toast was being fed to us. There's not really much to report about this part of the day, because not much happened. You know, aside from the world-famous Joe-Mum-Toast.

Eventually everyone was gone but Joe, Becca and I. Since I only live a short walk from Joe's house, I decided to help out with the cleaning because I'm that kind of guy. Lots of cleaning stuff happened. I'll tell you what, I cleaned Joe's house a damn side better than I'd ever even think about cleaning this room. We then crashed on the sofa with the intention of me leaving in a few minutes because Joe wanted a shower, but then a Bekah turned up. This was an extra excuse to stay with my Real Family, so I took it. That's another thing, one of the conversations during the night was about trying to work out who exactly did what with my birth and/or the role they take. If you think you have a role, please tell me what you think that role is. But yeah, she talked about her night, which sounded fun. To be honest, I was only really interested in hearing if she used my slogan "Pukka Pies... don't compromise." It's just the best slogan in the entire world. But no, she had a good night and we had a good night, so it was cool. Anyway, soon she left and that prompted me to leave as well to return to the people I'm forced to live with. And that's where I am now.

But it was a properly good night. And I'm pretty sure the length of this post would support that. I mean, come on, this is a hell of a post. Look at it! It's got loads of text and loads of pictures. Certainly it was indeed the best start to a new year ever.

In fact, I'm all emotional now and need to post again, because seriously this post is ridiculously long.

Now there's only two things left to say. 2011 is set up to be one of the best year's of my life and I'm glad I'm taking you guys, my Real Family, with me.

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