Monday 3 January 2011

My First Google Keyword!

Okay, so for a while now I've been waiting for people to find me through Google and not through other sites like Facebook and that strange Arabic site for Muslim women. My Stats thingy tells me how people find my site, and  the most popular is actually a link that appears on pingywebedition.

But no, let's get serious now. Why have I brought you here? Someone searched for a word on Google and it led them to my Blog. If I'm honest, that's all this post is about, but I'm so excited because I've been waiting for this moment since last Tuesday.

"So what word was it?"
I can't describe to you the joy I'm feeling right now. A little while back I opened my blog up for all of you to see, and ever since I've been sifting through the different ways you've gotten here. Sites include which is a Russian travel website with an attractive woman as their is a horrible website that is basically just an American guy with a loud voice shouting at you through your computer screen about the benefits of buying Forex from him. I don't know what a forex is, but I'm sure it's pretty cool. The most intriguing website is It's another Russian website (I'm really popular in Russia) with the Madagascar penguins in the banner. I have no idea what it's about and I have no idea what Sochi did to anger the Russians because it's all written in Russian. However, English computers don't do Russian so the internet has somehow transcribed it into Latin letters, so now it's even more difficult to understand.

So yeah, moving on.

Oh yeah, the word. Basically, someone typed in "fraptous" on Google, probably trying to find a link to Alice in Wonderland, but instead found this post. Yeah man, I'm now famous on Google for that post.

Anyway, this post was pointless and I'm sorry for wasting your time. I just wanted it on record that I'm now awesome enough for Google.

EDIT: My second keyword is: "or I will stab you with my very sharp spear"
How amazing is that?!

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